Why You Should Have a Yoke, Throttle and Rudder Pedals
Do you have a yoke, throttle and rudder pedals to control your flight simulator? If not, we shed some light on WHY you should have them, and what great options are out there.
Do you have a yoke, throttle and rudder pedals to control your flight simulator? If not, we shed some light on WHY you should have them, and what great options are out there.
Most flight simulator pilots start off flying big jets without knowing the basics of how to fly. Are you one of these people? There is hope!
Are you experienced enough? Do you have the right education? Do you know your equipment? It’s not always about being the best.
We just dropped a load- of posts into our forums. All the old data we had is now there, and you’ll see some great stuff. All the great functionality of other forums, but with a much cleaner and mobile friendly look.
Over this past weekend was the first FlightSimCon (Flight Sim Convention) in Hartford, Connecticut. We at Angle of Attack really wanted to be there, and planned on being there, but things got a bit too rowdy for us to be able to attend. Regardless, we were able to do a presentation for the folks at this FlightSimCon and we want to share that with all of you.
Each day we strive to be better. We try to remember to take out the trash on time, pay that bill on time, eat fewer calories, be more kind, take more time with family, or even as simple as spending a full two minutes brushing our teeth rather than rushing through it.
Today is was announced from Navigraph that nearly all of their services have been improved to one extent or another. This can only be good news for simulator pilots who rely on the services from Navigraph to provide them with up to date information to safely navigate the virtual skies.
Sitting left seat at the controls of a Cessna 152 II, my first flight lesson was about to commence. Sure, I’d flown really complex jets in flight simulator before, with a varying degree of success. And this couldn’t be anywhere near that complicated, right? I had this.
Yyou’ve just arrived on the Flight Deck. You’re already behind schedule, and you have to get the aircraft ready to go for the next flight. The passengers are already filing on board, and the flight attendants are finishing their duties.
This is for you 737NGX drivers out there that haven’t quite jumped on the band-wagon yet and joined our in depth training for this aircraft. Admittedly, we don’t do a great job sharing with you just how in depth our training is. Today, I want to give you a deep look at just how detailed our training is.