I’d like to consider myself a man with a strong stomach. I bungee jump. I used to ski competitively, and had a ton of fun doing flips in the terrain park. Roller coasters are a personal favourite of mine, and … Continued
Using trim can be an art, especially when using a USB Yoke that centers on its own. But with practice applying trim correctly can help you land like a pro!
It’s a clear sunny day and ATC gives you your takeoff clearance. You advance the throttles and smoothly accelerate the aircraft to VR and rotate. Upon positive rate, you retract the gear, and at 400ft. you hit the Center Autopilot in Command.
And other reasons flight sim has improved my real world aviation experience Emergencies “Ok, I want you to memorize the first three checklist items for each emergency before our next flight,” my instructor said as we were securing the 172 … Continued
Ok, so we’ve all been nose-deep in the 777s FCOMs recently looking up every little detail on how to fix any little problem that can happen, and hopefully a good number of you have delved deep into our 777 training … Continued

Why You Should Have a Yoke, Throttle and Rudder Pedals
Do you have a yoke, throttle and rudder pedals to control your flight simulator? If not, we shed some light on WHY you should have them, and what great options are out there.

3 Quick Tips to Fight the Premature Jet Pilot
Most flight simulator pilots start off flying big jets without knowing the basics of how to fly. Are you one of these people? There is hope!

The 3 "E's" That Will Kill All Your Passengers
Are you experienced enough? Do you have the right education? Do you know your equipment? It’s not always about being the best.

Asiana 777 Accident- Lessons Learned from Flight 214 So Far
hat really happened with Asiana Flight 214? How could a perfectly good 777 be driven into the ground by a competent crew? We have a few ideas how and why.

10 Power-House Aircraft Made in the US of A
What are the top aircraft made in the USA? We’ve put together a highly opinionated list of the Top 10, but we know there are many other greats! This is a post you shouldn’t miss. Lots of great videos and pictures!