Asiana 777 Accident- Lessons Learned from Flight 214 So Far
hat really happened with Asiana Flight 214? How could a perfectly good 777 be driven into the ground by a competent crew? We have a few ideas how and why.
hat really happened with Asiana Flight 214? How could a perfectly good 777 be driven into the ground by a competent crew? We have a few ideas how and why.
What are the top aircraft made in the USA? We’ve put together a highly opinionated list of the Top 10, but we know there are many other greats! This is a post you shouldn’t miss. Lots of great videos and pictures!
Are you Jones’n to get over the mountains fast, and to your destination sooner? Think again. Take some time to plan, and make sure the aircraft is even capable of tackling the task.
For those of you who didn’t notice, PMDG posted some super awesome screenshots of the up and coming 777. This is proving to no doubt be one of the best looking aircraft in FSX to date.
Sitting left seat at the controls of a Cessna 152 II, my first flight lesson was about to commence. Sure, I’d flown really complex jets in flight simulator before, with a varying degree of success. And this couldn’t be anywhere near that complicated, right? I had this.
Yyou’ve just arrived on the Flight Deck. You’re already behind schedule, and you have to get the aircraft ready to go for the next flight. The passengers are already filing on board, and the flight attendants are finishing their duties.
Every new year, most people start to think about what they want to achieve with this magical new time that is given us. A new year comes every year, yet, we all still strive to be better, do better, and achieve lofty goals.
A 41 year Senior Captain clicks the door behind, entering his Airline’s crew planning area. Meeting him there early and eager is a young fellow, 30 years his younger, the first officer for the day- a lucky guy, having gotten on the heavy aircraft.
These days, the art of hand-flying seems to be a bygone era. Unfortunate as that may be, it’s the result of highly automated aircraft taking the flying opportunities from pilots. Catch 22 works in ironic ways, as the pilot is the one that has to turn on the autopilot in the first place, making him the creator of his own demise.
Flying is as dangerous as we make it, and by that I’m implying that pilots are generally the weakest link in the accident chain. The majority of accidents are often the result of pilot error. Now, I’m not implying that airplanes don’t break, (because they often do) but I’ve seen too many accident reports that could and should have been avoided based on how the pilot reacted to the situation.