Up until now, PMDG has shown us plenty of the elegant exterior of their latest masterpiece, but has been all but silent about the interior. All of that has changed with a new set of screenshots that showcase the cockpit. We can’t wait until the release, and we’re working to make sure you have the training you need to fly this beast the day it’s out.
Looking at these screenshots, it’s hard not to imagine the sounds of the flight deck – and PMDG has included details on the sounds as well. They’ve even gone so far as to record multiple sounds for every knob, lever, and switch, so that the sound is that much more true to the real thing.
We’d love to hear what you think about how the PMDG 777 is coming along. Hit the comments section below to share your opinion.
Head over to the post on the PMDG forum at AVSIM for the nitty-gritty.
Preparing for the voyage ahead.
Excellent view of the FMCs and electronic checklist.
Imagine the rumble of the GE90 engines as those throttles advance.
Notice the attention to detail, right down to the smallest of screws.
The clean and modern overhead panel has been carefully replicated.
The flood lighting is simply incredible.
Cleared for takeoff.
This article was posted in 777, Blog, Boeing, Boeing 777, Flight Simulator, Microsoft Flight, PMDG 777
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