They’ve done it again! PMDG has built up an incredible amount of hype around their next aircraft. And who doesn’t love this aircraft? The 777 seems to be the darling of the Boeing fleet. As a result, this simulation is going to appeal to a very wide user base. If you’re already this far into reading, there’s no doubt that you too are interested in purchasing a copy of this globe-spanner.
Robert Randazzo of PMDG posted just tonight an incredible amount of details about the 777 Training. We don’t want to steal their thunder, so you can go over there and read all about it. We simply want to quickly show you the eye candy, and let you know that we’re hard at work creating training for this aircraft.
We want you to be able to be able to fly this machine like a pro from the day it’s released. We’re working literally around the clock to make sure that this goal happens. Our team is located all around the world, and the sun never truly sets on the work being done on our training.
The same goes for PMDG. They are no doubt accelerating through 80 knots, looking for V1, then they’ll call ‘rotate’, and it’s like to fly!
This is my favorite shot of the lot. It should really great depth in the 3D modeling, and you get a feel for everything on the flightdeck that you’ll be interacting with most.
This is a continuation of the last one for me. A great view of the MCP (Mode Control Panel) and also a synoptic up on the systems display.
Who doesn’t like a good overhead? And surprisingly, even though this aircraft is much more advanced than the 737, it’s so much cleaner upstairs. Things are dead simple, and the systems are highly, sometimes completely, automated.
Mmmm…. night lighting! With the 777 we get something new we haven’t seen before. We get the ‘green’ panel lights, which is something new with the 777. Green is very easy on the eyes, and ensures the pilots keep their night vision.
Robert goes into a great explanation of the ECL. We’re SO excited for the ECL, and we know you guys will be too. This will be an amazing addition to our training, and something we can certainly use. (Why don’t they have this on every aircraft?)
Hey, a few more jumpseats! We can fit a few trainees in here at once!
And that’s a wrap, with a beautiful view before we check the parking brake, the MEL, and hull ident before preflight flows.
We can’t WAIT!
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