SNEEK PEAK: 777 Training Preview #2 of 15
Have you ever seen a schematic so complex it made you want to cry? In this video preview, you’ll see just how detailed our explanations of complex schematics are.
Have you ever seen a schematic so complex it made you want to cry? In this video preview, you’ll see just how detailed our explanations of complex schematics are.
We have a winner! Rai from Brazil is our winner. And we won pretty handily. His version of the 777 turned out to be quite a popular choice in our recent repaint contest.
In our training products, we don’t just go into the details of aircraft like the 777, but we also teach you basics. In this example, we show you how moisture is formed.
They’ve done it again! PMDG has built up an incredible amount of hype around their next aircraft. And who doesn’t love this aircraft? The 777 seems to be the darling of the Boeing fleet. As a result, this simulation is going to appeal to a very wide user base. If you’re already this far into reading, there’s no doubt that you too are interested in purchasing a copy of this globe-spanner.
Wow! The Battle of the Liveries has been quite a big journey. And the reaction has been great! I think we speak for the community as a whole when we say just how impressive these entries are.
We have been really shocked by some of the amazing entries we’ve received. And, it’s now time to vote for your favorites!
The results are in! After about a week of collecting results for the 777 FlightWork Flights, we’ve tallied the votes and we have your results. Drum roll please!
To say we’re excited about our 777 Training is an understatement. We’re ecstatic and pumped! Each day we make more and more progress to getting this training completed. And, it’s our best training yet- by far.
Have you ever wondered why a particular aircraft drives a deep passion within? Why the shape and angles on one flying machine stir more emotions than another, equally as capable aircraft?