Asiana 777 Accident- Lessons Learned from Flight 214 So Far
hat really happened with Asiana Flight 214? How could a perfectly good 777 be driven into the ground by a competent crew? We have a few ideas how and why.
hat really happened with Asiana Flight 214? How could a perfectly good 777 be driven into the ground by a competent crew? We have a few ideas how and why.
What are the top aircraft made in the USA? We’ve put together a highly opinionated list of the Top 10, but we know there are many other greats! This is a post you shouldn’t miss. Lots of great videos and pictures!
Is your simulator environment a little dry and boring? Fear not, we have a couple addon recommendations that will really blow the socks off your feet, and the wheel pants off your 172.
Are you Jones’n to get over the mountains fast, and to your destination sooner? Think again. Take some time to plan, and make sure the aircraft is even capable of tackling the task.
The year was 1927. Several aspiring aviators had died in pursuit of the Orteig Prize, being the first to cross the Atlantic non-stop. A young, American pilot named Charles Lindbergh was the next pilot up to the challenge. He was sporting a snug, single-engine piston Ryan NYP airplane dubbed the Spirit of St. Louis. The weighed down airplane barely cleared telephone lines when taking off of the muddy runway. Over the next 33.5 hours in the cramped cockpit of the Spirit of St. Louis, Lindbergh battled storms, icing, fog, and navigated by the stars to arrive exhausted but safely at Le Bourget Airport in France. Eighty years from this monumental feat, we have come a long way in making oceanic air travel safer and much more comfortable.
Captains and Trainees, we’re excited to announce that Angle of Attack will be attending FanCon. FanCon takes place May 3rd-May 5th of 2013. We’ve been making preparations over the past several weeks to make sure we make an impression.
Over this past weekend was the first FlightSimCon (Flight Sim Convention) in Hartford, Connecticut. We at Angle of Attack really wanted to be there, and planned on being there, but things got a bit too rowdy for us to be able to attend. Regardless, we were able to do a presentation for the folks at this FlightSimCon and we want to share that with all of you.
Just a few days away now, I’ll be presenting for Flight SimCon, or Simulation Convention, held in Hartford, Connecticut. These guys are a new gig in town, but they’re showing a great drive to bring pilots and virtual pilots together to better educate and entertain.
Each day we strive to be better. We try to remember to take out the trash on time, pay that bill on time, eat fewer calories, be more kind, take more time with family, or even as simple as spending a full two minutes brushing our teeth rather than rushing through it.
Today is was announced from Navigraph that nearly all of their services have been improved to one extent or another. This can only be good news for simulator pilots who rely on the services from Navigraph to provide them with up to date information to safely navigate the virtual skies.