Read Time= 4 Minutes

Let me start off by saying that I am not a huge proponent of reviews. Although I have done reviews in the past for various products as a guest author on other sites, I don’t believe every product deserves to be reviewed. On top of that, why should my review be any better than the hundreds of other reviews out there?

There is certainly a lot of noise out there regarding product reviews, and I hope to make this particular ‘review’ a breath of fresh air.

In fact, I’m not writing this for any other reason than that I LOVE PNW. So if you were looking for the unbiased conclusion, there it is.

If you want to know why, read on.


There isn’t a flight I haven’t flown within PNW that hasn’t amazed me. The vast variety of the region allows for cruising 500 feet above perfectly placed beaches then moving on to towering mountains.

Because this is a program, essentially, much of the beauty has taken place behind the scenes. The near flawless work by the ORBX team to put this product together in such great detail is breathtaking. Much of the beauty seen within PNW is a result of thousands of hours of detailed work by this development team.

Out of all the scenery addons I’ve ever had for flight simulator, this one is my favorite. I’m talking about airport sceneries, photoreal scenery, any scenery. This is the only scenery that I can fly hours on end and continue to feel immersed in the region, it’s character, unique landmarks, and more.

Why is it different? I assume because the ORBX team has hand placed every single item in the package. Can you name another development team that has done that? Probably not.


I‘m increasingly surprised at the kind of performance I get from PNW. Naturally this is all dependent on system hardware and your flight sim settings. I wouldn’t say I have a bad system, but I certainly don’t have the latest and greatest.

Performance is pretty awesome for me and I’ve seen it’s acceptable for many, many others. In other words, this scenery gives a surprising amount of extra detail for a small performance hit.


The thing about PNW is it isn’t just a photoscenery, a texture addon, a mesh addon, an airport package, ai traffic, etc… but it’s all of the above. That is a new and radical thing in the FS industry that these guys at ORBX have pioneered. These guys really know FSX well and it shows with all of the many things they throw in a pot to make an incredible product.

With that said, the price of PNW (under 50 USD) makes complete and total sense to me. In fact, I have flown outside PNW only 2 times in the past 3 months while filming Aviator90. I love this area and what this scenery does for FSX THAT much.

The Men Behind the Magic

I am a believer in people and companies that ‘get it’. The thing I really love about these ORBX guys is that they not only found something that flight simmers really need, but they do it in such an open, honest and fun way. They designed all their branding really well, they are kind to their customers (followers) and they give back to the community through various freeware addon sources.

When was the last time an FS company just made you feel good because the company itself, and the people you communicated with, were just cool? It is such a rarity in today’s FS industry to find FS companies that really care about their customers/tribe members.

I have seen nothing but positive energy both inside and outside ORBX as a company. These guys are building a great culture for FS that we can all take part in, enjoy, and latch onto.


So yes, I am in love with PNW. I am totally bias because I think it rocks and I’ve had more fun than I’ve ever had going ‘low and slow’ in flight simulator. This is the best thing in flight simulator for me since the PMDG 747 and MD11, but, they aren’t even in the same category… Therefore, this is the best FS scenery I’ve ever had.

Throttle On, ORBX!

If you own this scenery, comment and tell others what you think. This is your chance to give PNW a big thumbs up at AOA!


This article was posted in AOA, Blog

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