For those of you who didn’t notice, PMDG posted some super awesome screenshots of the up and coming 777. This is proving to no doubt be one of the best looking aircraft in FSX to date.
Robert Randazzo, CEO of PMDG, shares more information in this post if you really want to read through the whole thing. For now, just feast your eyes on the screenshots below. Make sure to click on the images to get the larger version of the screenshot.
Also, see his interview in this video.
777 Systems Display
(click image to enlarge)
One thing I noticed right away about this image wasn’t the systems display itself, but rather the CDU. Look at how the buttons different levels of the unit are rendered in 3D. This looks absolutely fantastic, and realistic compared to it’s real, Boeing counterpart.
Of course, apart from that, we’re seeing the same quality we love on the PMDG 737NGX in this incredible 777. The attention to detail is just so great! And, we all know that PMDG isn’t just eye candy. We know we can count on them to make a realistic simulation that acts and flies like the real thing as well.
777 Adnormal Checklist
(click image to enlarge)
A great thing about the 777 is it’s onboard, intelligent checklist system. A checklist isn’t merely something that you go down and ‘do’ the items, but rather check the items after having done them. Regardless, it’s great to see that this is going to be modelled as it’s such an incredible part of the system.
The amazing thing about this checklist system, is that if say it calls for a light to be in a certain position, it can detent that the light is in fact in that position, knowing that you’ve already completed the item.
In this particular screenshot, you’re seeing a non-normal checklist. That’s right, all the non-normal items are in here in addition the the general set of checklists that airline crews use every day.
777 Exterior Shot
(click image to enlarge)
And, who doesn’t enjoy a bonus exterior shot? Not much to mention here, but she sure looks good sitting there on the ramp!
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What do you think of these screenshots? Are you getting excited for the PMDG 777?
This article was posted in 777, AOA, Aviation, Blog, Flight Safety, Flight Simulator, Microsoft Flight, PMDG 777
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