Announcing AOA Points!

Ever wanted to show off how involved you are at AOA? We all know that a little recognition for our involvement in the community isn’t a bad thing, so why not show that off publicly? Learn how we plan on doing this by reading about AOA Points!

We really are here…

It may seem as though AOA hasn’t been putting out a lot of stuff on the blog soon, but all of the super secret membership area stuff is invisible to non-members. Don’t worry, we still think you’re cool, but I wanted to explain why it may look like we haven’t been busy.

Flying Across a Border, Eh?

Here is a quick video and my thoughts on a border crossing I did this last week. It was my first international flight and I learned quite a bit. The video is quite cool and shows me crossing the border (in-air) and also touching down in Canada.

MD11 Training Status

The MD11 Type Rating Training was supposed to be released today for Flight Simulator but as you can see around here, it isn’t. I want to give an honest explanation of why. So, if you want to hear why and want to ask questions, read on.

Why Volcanic Ash and Airplanes Don't Mix Well

Volcanic ash and airplanes do not like each other… AT ALL. Volcanic ash is essentially airborne pieces of glass that can sandblast the aircraft, disrupt radio communication and worse, stop the engines.

Radio Interview with Jason from MzeroA

It isn’t often I get to do an interview with another blogger. Today a well known Virtual CFI, Jason Schappert, had me for a good chat where we discussed a lot about AOA.

What's Next? AviatorPro!

Aviator90 is coming to a close. So what’s next? How about something that’ll give you ongoing and awesome training WAY beyond what Aviator90 just began to taught you? How does that sound?

Why I Love FTX PNW from ORBX

PNW is hands down the best FS scenery I have ever worked with. I know that sounds a bit outlandish, but it is for good reason. I wanted to create this post to give a shout-out to the ORBX guys for such an awesome product.

ATC Course

We are thinking of doing a new ATC Course but we’d like your input to decide how or if we should do it. Be a part and take the quick survey! It only takes a minute.

Amelia the Aviator

This is just a quick and fun little post about something funny that happened to me while filming an episode of Aviator90. Check it out!

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