Watch the FlightSimCon Presentation

Over this past weekend was the first FlightSimCon (Flight Sim Convention) in Hartford, Connecticut. We at Angle of Attack really wanted to be there, and planned on being there, but things got a bit too rowdy for us to be able to attend. Regardless, we were able to do a presentation for the folks at this FlightSimCon and we want to share that with all of you.

Be there! Chris Palmer Presenting for FlightSimCon

Just a few days away now, I’ll be presenting for Flight SimCon, or Simulation Convention, held in Hartford, Connecticut. These guys are a new gig in town, but they’re showing a great drive to bring pilots and virtual pilots together to better educate and entertain.

777 Training Team Bios- Michael Pittman

Ever since I can remember, I have known that I wanted to have a career in the aviation industry. I spent my early years in Houston, TX, where my Dad worked for NASA as an astronaut trainer. While I was out playing in the sandbox with my brother, I would hear the roar of a jet engine screaming by our house. I would stop what I was doing, spring up, and look upwards towards the sky to catch a glimpse of a T-38 astronaut trainer speeding by. I knew that I wanted to experience that “free” feeling of flight for the rest of my life.

FlightWork Survey (737 and 777)

Over the past several weeks we’ve been releasing quite a few 737 FlightWork Flights. FlightWork is our way of training pilots to fly the aircraft by taking them on real routes, and showing them everything from startup, to shutdown.

Unattainable Perfection

Each day we strive to be better. We try to remember to take out the trash on time, pay that bill on time, eat fewer calories, be more kind, take more time with family, or even as simple as spending a full two minutes brushing our teeth rather than rushing through it.

Major Update from Navigraph

Today is was announced from Navigraph that nearly all of their services have been improved to one extent or another. This can only be good news for simulator pilots who rely on the services from Navigraph to provide them with up to date information to safely navigate the virtual skies.

7 Signs You're A 777 Addict

Have you ever wondered why a particular aircraft drives a deep passion within? Why the shape and angles on one flying machine stir more emotions than another, equally as capable aircraft?

Ridiculously Awesome 777 VC Shots

For those of you who didn’t notice, PMDG posted some super awesome screenshots of the up and coming 777. This is proving to no doubt be one of the best looking aircraft in FSX to date.

Are you a Premature Jet Jockey?

Sitting left seat at the controls of a Cessna 152 II, my first flight lesson was about to commence. Sure, I’d flown really complex jets in flight simulator before, with a varying degree of success. And this couldn’t be anywhere near that complicated, right? I had this.

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