Annually I write a message for the loyal followers of Angle of Attack. I do this because I feel it’s important to speak from the heart from time to time, as any company should. At the end of the day, I may have a great company but it wouldn’t mean a thing unless we served our purpose and delivered on our promises.
I’m sure all of us have heard by now that the world is in somewhat of a recession and the economy is suffering. To a certain extent, this is true. All of us have felt the effects of this in one way or another. To what lengths this has effected AOA and myself personally, I’m not sure I’ll ever know. What I do know is that I’m still here. For that I am thankful.
So what is the strategy now? Although it appears Angle of Attack hasn’t been going anywhere, because we haven’t and won’t release a product this year, we have grown more this year than at any other time in our companies short history.
This brings me to what I am most thankful for this year: Education.
This year I have buried my head in books, gone to seminars, and sought out a higher education on the web. Does this mean I went to my local University and signed up for classes? No. I believe that would be limiting compared to how the real world operates. All of us have a world of information at our fingertips. It’s up to each of us to take that drive for learning and go out and DO IT.
One of the most profound things I’ve learned this year is that a company isn’t a company without a purpose. If a company doesn’t follow it’s purpose, it’s nothing.
In many ways, I feel like Angle of Attack has gotten away from this. We certainly started out this way, and lost our way a bit. With that said, I believe we keep our customers involved more than most companies. We always have an open ear, and we have a mutual respect for this relationship we have together.
So, in closing, this year I am thankful for education. It has expanded my context, improved my outlook on my personal life, and has sparked new ideas that will serve AOA followers in the near and distant future.
As always, I am thankful for you followers. Your participation and input is what keeps us going. I know that sounds cliche, but it’s completely true. When we aren’t hearing from all of you, moral around here really gets down. YOU are what makes our company great. Not our products, not our website, not anything else. It’s all about YOU.
Enough about me.
What are you thankful for this year? We’d love to hear your insights, personal or about this hobby.
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