I’m Robert Hoisan and my main job at AOA involves animating and video editing. I bring to life wonderful static illustrations created by a hard working team and I do so under the strict guidance of another hard working team that deals with scripts and storyboards.

I’m 33 years old and I’m currently located in Romania. However, a few months each year my family and I stay in Switzerland with my mother.

My story is not really related to aviation, but here it is:

I fell in love with video editing and motion graphics by accident. I was working for a few years on a cargo ship and I traveled all over the world from India to Portugal, from Pakistan to Africa and even sailed in the Middle East. Life became pretty rough at some point living on the sea, away from the real world, so I decided to get back to school, finish college, and get married. Well, not all at once but you get the point.

Life away from the sea motivated me to learn new things and to improve my skills so I can take care of my family. I got my hands on one of the earliest versions of After Effects (which is the main software we are using at AOA to produce the training videos) and I fell in love with it right away. That was around 10 years ago.

Since then I’ve worked with clients from all over the world, including names like National Geographic, CNN, Cartoon Network and many others. With time, I developed a special interest working with all sorts of video training materials, technical tutorials and at some point I was hired to write a technical book for a huge Digital Signage software corporation based in Los Angeles. So basically I have a great amount of experience working with video training in many different fields.

In January 2012, I was hired by AOA to bring to an end a project that was already started. The Groundwork Training for the PMDG 737. I had no idea what an aileron or a hydraulic system was, but I learned fast. With God’s help we managed to complete the product, which wasn’t easy! I maintained a good communication level with the entire team and I tried to find solutions for saving time and improving the overall quality of the training. I also edited most of the LineWork and FlightWork for the 737NGX Training.

Chris and Dan at AOA have been of a tremendous help and supported me all the way, especially in March 2012 when my youngest son David was born and I needed time off in the middle of the project. David is the light of my eyes, together with my wife and my other two kids, Hela and Eduard. Besides God, my family is the closest thing to my heart.

After the 737 Training I continued the road with AOA for a new and exciting project: The 777 Training. And what an adventure it is! Without a doubt I can assure you guys that this training will be AWESOME. The amount of work that goes on behind the scenes is absolutely incredible. The entire team is working around the clock and I personally dedicate on average 15 hours / day so we can release this high quality product on schedule.

We redesigned the look and feel of the courses and having gained a lot of experience from the 737 project we managed to take the editing process to the next level. We are continuing to improve ourselves and our workflow. I try to bring my share of experience on the table so you can enjoy this amazing 777 video training.

Even though I am not an aviator, I can honestly say that working with AOA has opened my eyes and heart and made me see the beauty and the complexity that surrounds the aviation world. I hope to continue working with AOA on future projects and I am grateful for the opportunity to be on board with such an impressive team.


Join the Conversation!
Everyone give a shout out to Robert! He’s been such an awesome powerhouse behind the scenes, and deserves the accolades!

This article was posted in 777, Angle of Attack, AOA, Blog, Interview, PMDG 777, Team

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