By now, you will have been enjoying your PMDG 777, getting familiar with it’s operation, and overall you’re most likely able to get from Point A to Point B, unharmed. Good! We’re glad.
But do you REALLY know the 777, or are you just using past information you’ve learned with other aircraft to operate this new, shiny machine?
The 777 is incredibly unique, and has a ‘spirit’ all it’s own. It’s close to a 787, but it’s not a 787. It’s close to a 747-400, but it’s far different from a 747-400, really.
And of course many of you know that even some of the 737 knowledge you have was transferrable to the 777. Thank you Mr. Boeing! This is just how Boeing intended these aircraft to be- pilots coming up through their career, getting to fly the ‘next best thing’, while still being familiar, to an extent, with the logic behind flying the aircraft.
But still, the 777 is it’s own airplane.
It has it’s own complex systems, and ways of operation. Although operating the aircraft from day-to-day on a normal flight is very much automatic and straight forward, wouldn’t you like to know the systems so that when something DOES comes up, you can know what is going on, and how to react?
Right now, most people are flying around the PMDG 777 saying, ‘this is the most incredible addon I’ve ever used! It flies so realistically, operates like the real thing, and I love it!’ And, you and they would be right.
What is a shame with how MOST people perceive the 777 is that they are only seeing 20% of the depth (if not less) of this aircraft and it’s simulation. Truth is, many development companies can put together a commercial aircraft that more or less flies like the real thing.
What separates PMDG is the fidelity and depth at which they do these things.
I must tell you, this 777 is more in depth than you now realize. You’ve only scratched the surface on what it’s capable of.
Angle of Attack’s up-and-coming GroundWork Training on the PMDG 777 will teach you, at length, the depth and operation of the 777 systems. We go into so much detail that you will know exactly what is happening internally in the aircraft systems, even when you’re pressing a button that essentially puts that system in ‘AUTO’ mode.
The 777 is much more complex than the airliners of yesteryear that required a three man, full time, no-autopilot crew. Yet, it’s so much easier to fly and operate on what is now a two man crew.
That is not by accident. There is a lot going on behind the scenes that you are most likely completely oblivious to. We are really happy that you’re enjoying the 777 so far. But we know the vast majority of you don’t know what is going on when you ‘press’ something.
There isn’t inherently anything wrong with that. Besides, this is a hobby, and a lot of people want to know what it’s like to operate these aircraft, and you can more or less get that experience by punching in a few numbers, flipping a few switches, and slamming the throttles forward.
If you’re reading this, and even remotely interested in ‘knowing more’ about the PMDG 777 and how to operate it more realistically, you are of a breed of flight enthusiasts that is a cut above ‘just getting by’.
We know that what you require is ABSOLUTE realism. Why else would you be flying THIS PMDG 777, rather than the competitors 777? It’s not enough just to ‘get by’. It needs to be real. Real aircraft, real scenery, real charts, realistic procedures, and REAL knowledge.
That is why with our GroundWork Training, we took no shortcuts. This video training, which has been in the making for a year, is the best we’ve produced to date.
A team of more than 20 people have painstakingly scripted, produced, filmed, edited, and mastered each and every section to be packed with knowledge that, often times, can’t even be found in the FCOM that most pilots read. We go into so much depth that we bring out the maintenance manual, and teach from a pure systems level- something most pilots never get in their training when getting a 777 type rating.
Of course, systems are boring to learn, right? You’d think so! All those schematics, and diagrams, and detailed knowledge. We too hate how boring typical systems training can be to learn. It’s such a drag.
That is why our training is done with quality, uplifting voice overs- vibrant graphics- well designed schematics- and other creative freedoms that make the training entertaining. This way you can actually LEARN rather than fall asleep. We think that training can be both entertaining AND educational. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
That’s why our GroundWork Training is exciting, engaging, entertaining AND educational.
So, we know that you’ve really been enjoying the 777 so far, but there is so much to learn still. This simulation has only begun to show you just how incredible it is.
To unlock the true capabilities of this aircraft takes knowledge that can’t simply be attained by flying the same routes, doing the same things over and over. You NEED knowledge to unlock the true greatness of this beautiful machine.
It just so happens we are only several days from releasing this training. We have worked around the clock to complete this training shortly after 777 release. We feel we have a package that will really blow away current and new trainees to our programs. This is simply put the best training our team has ever produced.
Be on the lookout in the next 48 hours- we’ll send you notification of when we’re ready. The last section is being exported now, then we will be prepping the training area, downloads, and other things that need to be done.
We’re absolutely excited to get you into this training, especially since you’ll be able to enjoy it on our new website.
Keep enjoying the 777, and get ready to be schooled. The next few weeks will be a blast!
Throttle On!
The AOA 777 Flight Crew
P.S. Make sure to signup for updates at www.777Training.com
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