Test your Non-Precision Approach Skills with a low-viz VOR-DME approach into Canberra, Australia! The name of the game here is taking a break from the ILS and LAND 3 functionality! This is a scenario outline and walk-through of a VOR-DME … Continued

What a review! 737NGX Training on AVSIM
This morning I woke up to an email stating that Angle of Attack’s 737NGX Training now had a review up on Avsim. Getting a review on Avsim is a big deal- lots of viewers, lots of potential for both the good AND bad. Our Training is great, so we knew the review would be great too.

FlightWork Survey (737 and 777)
Over the past several weeks we’ve been releasing quite a few 737 FlightWork Flights. FlightWork is our way of training pilots to fly the aircraft by taking them on real routes, and showing them everything from startup, to shutdown.

The Ultimate 737 FlightWork Preview
This is for you 737NGX drivers out there that haven’t quite jumped on the band-wagon yet and joined our in depth training for this aircraft. Admittedly, we don’t do a great job sharing with you just how in depth our training is. Today, I want to give you a deep look at just how detailed our training is.

737NGX GroundWork Complete!
Over the past 11 months our team has been working their buns off delivering our most comprehensive systems training to date. Thousands of hours, many meetings, and a whole lot of hard work and perspiration later, we’re DONE!

FlightWork Survey and Research
As I mentioned last week, FlightWork is on approach. This means that just around the corner will be a lot of final planning, eventual filming, and then the lessons showing up in your Training Dashboard. But, let’s not get ahead … Continued

737 Training Now Available
Wow, what an exciting week it’s been! With the release of the PMDG 737NGX, the whole flightsim community has lit up with a rejuvenated energy for this wonderful hobby of ours.

Nick's 737NGX Takeoff
Nick is back with another PMDG 737NGX video, this one weighing in under 50 minutes in length.

PMDG Announces 737NGX Pricing
PMDG announces pricing for the PMDG 737NGX as well as details about what models will be released first, what the future of the simulation will be, and so on. It’ll only set you back…

Nick's 737NGX Systems Depth Preview
Kick back with Nick and nerd out on the flight desk of the PMDG 737NGX. Take a look at a few of the many