Nick is back with another PMDG 737NGX video, this one weighing in under 50 minutes in length. Everyone here is starting to wonder if it would be possible for Nick to make anything that isn’t almost an hour long, but that’s besides the point.
In this video Nick goes through a quick and dirty initial setup of the aircraft to get it ready for departure. This is by no means how we teach this setup in our actual video training product, but it does give you a lot of nice little bits of knowledge.
Nick later goes through a raw data takeoff, and eventually climbs up and goes through a pretty awesome explanation of the Yaw Damper system on the 737. Yaw damper? Awesome? Yes. It’s very interesting what’s being showed here!
This disclaimer is worth taking a look at:
- This video does not reflect the standard of our final training product. It is rough, and my informal, off the cuff explanations may at times be inaccurate.
- Our final product is meticulously scripted and structured so as to provide the best learning experience.
- This video was intended solely to put across my initial thoughts and a quick look at the incredible depth to which PMDG have simulated the 737NG.
Other Videos to See:
Nick’s 737NGX Walk-Around
Nick’s 737NGX AFDS/EGPWS Impressions
Throttle On!
Angle of Attack Crew
What are your thoughts on this video? Did you enjoy the takeoff? And what about the yaw damper explanation?
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