Please do feel free to contact me at nick@flyaoamedia.com with any questions or comments. I am targeting a career in commercial aviation and would be grateful to hear from you.
Nick Collett, UK.
Now on with the show:
There is a core belief we have here at Angle of Attack: an external model is useless without the ‘real deal’ on the inside. Unfortunately, there is a lot of eye candy out there in the FS World, but not a lot of outstanding cockpits that are not only modeled to the gills, but almost 100% functional.
Although Nick’s 737NGX Walk-Around shows the level of detail PMDG goes to with their external models, honestly, that’s not where their products TRULY shine. We know it’s awesome, but wait until you watch this video of the 737NGX Virtual Cockpit.
The depth of systems detail PMDG puts into their aircraft is truly impressive as current PMDG owners know, but this is the latest and greatest from PMDG. It’s a whole new ballgame now. As you’ll see, the cockpit, controls, visuals, systems, and everything else to accompany it has set the bar very high for future virtual airliners.
And we haven’t even got into the air yet!
In this video Nick will take you through yet another casual look at what PMDG is offering. Nothing too complex here, no real formal training like what you’ll get with our 737 Training videos, but simply initial thoughts and reactions to how the real aircraft operates.
All that said, this is a partner video to Nick’s 737NGX Walk-Around, and was specifically made at the same time to give a complete overlook of the aircraft.
Consider this Angle of Attack’s delivery inspection.
Nick also wanted to leave this disclaimer, because it is not the type of video we generally produce:
- I made this video to show the aircraft to another member of the AOA team who is entitled to the wide beta but has had computer troubles and is not yet able to use it. It was intended to show him the aircraft so that he could get an idea of the equipment simulated. It was therefore entirely off the cuff, unscripted and not intended to be instructional in any way.
- This video therefore does not reflect the standard of our final training product. It is rough, and my informal, off the cuff explanations may at times be inaccurate.
Our final product is meticulously scripted and structured so as to provide the best learning experience. - This video was intended solely to put across my initial thoughts and a quick look at the incredible depth to which PMDG have simulated the 737NG.
We hope you enjoyed this candid look at the beautiful rendition of the 737NG’s Cockpit.
Checkout Nick’s 737NGX Walk-Around to see what’s on the outside.
Throttle On!
Angle of Attack Crew
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What did you notice that really impressed you about the PMDG 737NGX’s virtual flight deck?
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